Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Simon Gann Criminal History

Simon Gann criminal history according to public records.

This is a link to the PDF: Simon Gann Criminal History


  1. this guy is in fl, today is thankgiving and he's still at it, i just called him at 954 2322634

  2. How come these 2 pos haven’t been brought 2 justice? I just watched a documentary on these 2 scum bags with the absolute heroine of a woman, Jordan’s baby mother.... all power to her and much love to her son Liam.... justice is needed, you cannot allow people to leave such devastation in their midst.... absolutely shocking, my heart goes out to Meredith and her boy xx

  3. As they get older, life itself will come down very hard on both of them. Aging happens very quickly, ones health will betray them and they will have no one and no money. No plan for 65 will be incredibly difficult. I see them committing suicide myself. They are not cute and young anymore!
