Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Contact Meredith.

 Hey all! 

I am posting this in hopes that anyone of you, who are reading this l, that have been scammed by Jordan or Simon will reach out to me if you already haven’t. 

I’ve heard from many of you but I know there are others.

My email is Meredithjogavin@gmail.com


  1. Simon is currently in east chicago Indiana right now. Literally looking at him. He’s at ameristar casino.

  2. Simon is in east Chicago Indiana right now

  3. Simon is at the Borgata right now and almost duped us into bringing him 2 thousand to blay blackjack. He is extremely convincing and plays the part well. He brought everyone at sugarhouse food with his comp dollars. I told my friend, I do believe he is 90% brilliant/10% scam. Thank you Meredith for saving us grief and aggravation. He is in the Philadelphia/South Jersey area and is contacting people through Instagram DM's. Be careful out there, he's a crafty s.o.b.

  4. Wow, thanks for this site. I searched his Instagram and arrived here. He reached out to me on Instagram after following him. Sounds like he's convincing, so you likely saved me from getting into a bad situation at a minimum. Thanks!!

  5. Just seen in New Mexico, heavy gambling in sandia casino

  6. at rivers Philadelphia last month..lost 15k on my dice game..stupid gambler..balls to the wall because it's not his money..lol..this kid is stupid idk why he would ever think that 350 cameras dont watch his every move..idk why they let him in the place that will stop soon..state police watch him everytime he comes in to build a case on video he is in the south street area tho..whenever he buys in on a game watch his hands he trembles like hes having a seizure or someone has a gun to the back of his mother's head...anyone buying in for 15k there hands dont tremble like hes gonna commit suicide..glad hes not a bomb diffuser..lol I'll stop by and update again..if I guess hes in philly at rivers probably 3 times in 6 months..everytime during the day if that helps..nighttime comes he runs from our black clients lol

  7. He’s at Winstar World Casino in Oklahoma now. I’ve seen him a lot here.
